Tearing eyes is a condition that can affect people of all age groups, but generally, middle-aged and older people are at an increased risk. One of the most common cause of tearing eyes is the dry eye syndrome. The quality and the quantity of tear production is adversely affected due to dry eyes. Dryness, gritty sensation, redness and tearing eyes are the common symptoms of dry eyes.
Tearing eyes could also be caused due to a clogged tear duct. The tears might not be drained out through the nasal passage and that could lead to tearing eyes. Another cause of tearing eyes is a condition called blepharitis. This is caused when the eyelash follicles get inflamed due to a bacterial infection. Seborrheic dermatitis or eyelid allergies can also be responsible for causing blepharitis, which in turn, manifests itself in the form of swelling on the eyelids and tearing eyes. Sometimes, the lower eyelid might droop or sag, and this can lead to tears rolling down the cheeks instead of being transported into the drainage system. Irritation in the eyes due to irritants such as dust, smoke, abrasions or ingrown eyelash can also be responsible for tearing eyes. Those suffering from inflammation of the conjunctiva or pink eye can also experience excessive watering of the eyes.
The treatment of tearing eyes will depend on the factors responsible for causing this condition. It is, therefore, very important to ascertain the cause of tearing eyes. In case, tearing eyes is caused due to some environmental irritants such as smoke, dust or chemicals entering the eyes, it can be easily treated by using artificial eye drops. In case of allergies, antihistamines might help. Many a times, dry eye syndrome might be responsible for this condition, therefore, you must consult an eye doctor to find out the available treatment options. Generally, doctors will check for dryness through Schirmer’s test. This test is very useful for determining both the quality and the quantity of tears. As far as treatment for dry eyes is concerned, use of lubricants, punctal plugs or bandage contact lenses might help. Those suffering from dry eyes will also need to protect their eyes in dry weather conditions. Exposure to the sun and wind can aggravate the condition, therefore, use of sunglasses might help. Infections such as conjunctivitis and blepharitis can be treated by antibiotics. Warm compresses might also help in providing relief. Sometimes, a minor surgery might be required to unclog the blocked tear duct.